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Blog > One story

One story

Symbols, icons, signs, pictograms, direction markers – these are the things we see every day. And these don’t just include the icons on our phones and tablets or computers but also in our cars, shops, on the streets, different household appliances or buildings. Simple symbols help us find our way and we can understand their meaning much quicker than if we had to read text that was trying to convey the same information. Every single person has an ability to understand this visual language, to read it and to actively use it. It’s really true what they say, a picture can say more than a 1000 words.

Recently I received a little picture during one of the children’s club I run. It was a picture of a ship and this little dialogue happened.

– That’s a ship, I say.                                       

– But what kind? Filip asks.

– It looks like the arch.

– Yes, a small symbol, a big story, Filip confirmed.

I couldn’t have said it in a better way. Filip gave me the exact description of something we’ve been working on for almost a year. We created simple pictures which symbolise different Bible stories. A small symbol, a big story. But together they make up the biggest story that ever happened, the big story of the Bible.

The final version of this long project is a visual Bible teaching tool called “One story”, that can be used in different ways. The base game includes 32 pairs of pictures that can be used to play a memory game. The cards are made of durable plastic so that they can last for a long time when being used in families, schools or afterschool clubs. You will also get instructions on how to use this teaching tools and a cotton bag to store your cards.

We also offer two extenstions that you can buy to get more out of this tool. The first extention contains 20 pairs of pictures from the Old Testament and the second extention includes 20 pictures from the New Testament.

If you order the whole set (base game plus both extentions), you will receive it in a big cottong bad that can be worn as a rucksack.

Prices (including shipping within Europe):

Basic set (32 pairs, instructions, little cotton bag): 20€

Extention OT (20 pairs, little cotton bag): 17€

Extention NT (20 pairs, little cotton bag): 17€

Whole game (32+20+20 pairs, 3x little cotton bag, instructions, big cotton bag): 45€


You can order One Story here.

After you send your order, please pay using the button below. We’ll contact you with a confirmation email within 24 hours of receiving your order and we’ll send out the order immediately after receiving your payment.

Types of game


BibliaNovinkyvisual aid